Metrics screen

Our "Metrics" screen offers a comprehensive view of your content's performance by allowing you to filter the data through various dimensions. You can analyze metrics by "Pages," "Devices," "Geography," "Referral," "Authors," "Categories," and "Tags." This level of granularity enables you to quickly pinpoint exactly how different segments of your audience are interacting with your content, providing you with the insights needed to optimize your strategy effectively.

Publisher Analytics Metrics

Total Sessions

Total Sessions is the heartbeat of your site, representing the total number of sessions initiated with the domain URL on pages that are integrated with the npaw plugin. Once a session is initiated, it will last as long as the user continues to navigate between the pages of the same domain. The session is considered ended when the user navigates to a page outside the domain and stays out for more than 1 minute.

Avg. Session Time

Avg. Session Time is the stopwatch that measures the depth of engagement. It represents the average time of the sessions initiated by the users. This metric helps you understand how long your content can hold the attention of your audience.

Total Navigation

Total Navigation is the compass that guides your audience's journey. It represents the total number of clicks/navigations between integrated pages of the same domain. This metric helps you understand the navigational patterns of your audience and the interconnectedness of your content.

Quality Clicks

Not all clicks are created equal. That's why we have the "Quality Clicks" metric. A quality click is defined as a click where the user spends more than 15 seconds on the clicked article page. This metric helps you to differentiate between users who just skim through your content and those who take the time to engage with it. A high number of quality clicks indicates that your content is not just attracting users, but also keeping them engaged.

Avg. Scroll Depth (%)

The "Avg. Scroll Depth (%)" metric measures the average percentage of an article that users scroll through. This metric provides insights into how much of your content is being consumed by users. A high average scroll depth percentage suggests that users are finding your content engaging enough to read through most or all of it. Conversely, a low average scroll depth might indicate that users are not finding your content engaging, prompting them to leave before reaching the end.

By understanding these metrics, publishers can gain a deeper understanding of their audience's behavior and preferences. This, in turn, can guide content creation strategies, leading to more engaging content and, ultimately, a more successful publishing operation.